Selasa, 16 Mei 2017

Terror Ransomware WannaCry was Against Bank in the World

Ransomware WannaCry

In Indonesia, a number of state-owned banks such as BNI, Mandiri and BTN have prepared technical and non technical measures to secure customer data as well as their balances., New York

This is also done by banks in some major countries in the world. Russia, also did not escape from this cyber terror attacks. Ransomware WannaCry attacked the train and bank system in this Moscow-capitalized country. Reported RT news, several banks in Russia attacked this type of malware virus. However, FinCert reported that the bank's computer networks were not penetrated. FinCert is a cybersecurity monitoring center operated by the Central Bank of Russia. Sberbank, the largest bank in Russia, said there had been an attempt by the virus to enter their bank's network system.

However, the attempt was unsuccessful. "The cybersecurity system is already aware of the effort to attack the bank's infrastructure and the bank's network is protected from such attacks," he said. In addition, banks in Spain also reportedly attacked Ransomware WannaCry. Then, India is also on guard for this siber virus attack. Banks in India are rumored to be vulnerable to hackers perobas this virus. Indiatimes says, 70 percent of ATMs in India are very risky infected with Ransomware WannaCry virus.

India is one of the 99 most affected countries. 102 computer system at Andhra Pradesh police station was hacked Saturday last weekend. The malware reportedly also stopped production at the Nissan-Renault automotive plant on the outskirts of Chennai. Indian banks are worried that they will become victims. The reason, 70 percent of ATMs in India is still using the old Windows XP system that in fact is a weak network and easily penetrated. But on Saturday, Microsoft confirmed that they have issued an update to the old system.

See Also :
Microsoft accused the US intelligence agency
Behind The Scene " Ransomware " Wannacry

Microsoft accused the US intelligence agency

Microsoft accused the US intelligence agency, the NSA, responsible for the raid of Ransomware WannaCry virus that attacked hundreds of thousands of computers in over 100 countries on Friday. 

According to Brad Smith, president and head of Microsoft's legal division, as quoted by The Hill, Monday, May 15, 2017, NSA's confidential data about software vulnerabilities or Windows software not reported to Microsoft, causing the spread of WannaCry virus becomes very malignant.

"Repeatedly, exploitation in the hands of the government has leaked into the public domain and caused widespread damage. Scenarios equivalent to conventional weapons are the US military losing some of its Tomahawk missiles, "Smith wrote on company blog late Sunday. WanaDecrypt0r, known as Wanna Cry, attacks 200 thousand computers with Windows operating systems in around 150 countries. 
Since the attack began on Friday morning, casualties ranging from hospitals in Britain, telecommunications companies in Spain, US-based FedEx cargo company to the Russian Ministry of Interior. WanaDecrypt0r is highly malignant in part because it uses a hack tool that appears to have been stolen from the NSA. Although Microsoft has patched security holes in Windows in March, businesses often fall behind in installing updates for several reasons including industry-specific software that does not comply with the latest operating system version. Smith said that Microsoft urged the Digital Geneva Convention last February to force state intelligence agencies to report vulnerabilities to vendors rather than hoarding, selling, or exploiting these vulnerabilities.

By reporting vulnerabilities instead of using them to hack intelligence, manufacturers will be able to improve the security of all their users. But the intelligence, especially the NSA, is reluctant to do so because it will take on intelligence and sabotage operations. The administration of President Barack Obama formed the Vulnerability Equities Process (VEP) to require agencies to report the lack of software they found to producers. But this rule still has loopholes so many government agencies, especially intelligence, refuse to report software vulnerabilities to manufacturers. As a result malignant viruses like Ransomware WannaCry also threaten the world.

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