Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Behind The Scene " Ransomware " Wannacry

What the means people Behind "RANSOMWARE" Wannacry ?. It will be large question in the world. Who they are?.  some assumptions their make it to got Money, World War III or just Politic.

Behind purposes of the Money


Screen shot The Virus
They makes the Virus to ransom files data that infected. If the computers was infected by the Virus your data will be encrypted. The bad news in this case, the program still can't repaired before pay to unlock that. So it can be conclude the purposes of Virus maker to money. this article just our opinion base on fact the world news.

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What is Ransomeware (wannacry) ?


Ransomware is a type of malicious software that carries out the cryptoviral extortion attack from cryptovirology that blocks access to data until a ransom is paid and displays a message requesting payment to unlock it. Simple ransomware may lock the system in a way which is not difficult for a knowledgeable person to reverse. More advanced malware encrypts the victim's files, making them inaccessible, and demands a ransom payment to decrypt them. The ransomware may also encrypt the computer's Master File Table (MFT) or the entire hard drive. Thus, ransomware is a denial-of-access attack that prevents computer users from accessing files since it is intractable to decrypt the files without the decryption key. Ransomware attacks are typically carried out using a Trojan that has a payload disguised as a legitimate file.

While initially popular in Russia, the use of ransomware scams has grown internationally; in June 2013, security software vendor McAfee released data showing that it had collected over 250,000 unique samples of ransomware in the first quarter of 2013, more than double the number it had obtained in the first quarter of 2012. Wide-ranging attacks involving encryption-based ransomware began to increase through Trojans such as CryptoLocker, which had procured an estimated US$3 million before it was taken down by authorities, and CryptoWall, which was estimated by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to have accrued over $18m by June 2015.


Behind purposes of the World War III


From the other reason about situation some country prepare start to war. As like U.S and N.Korea.
Why does Kim Jong-un hate Donald Trump? North Korea-US conflict explained. KIM Jong-un has threatened to launch a nuclear weapon test as tensions with Donald Trump escalate. But why does North Korea hate the US?
According to : 
Earlier in April the North Korean vice foreign minister accused the US of causing trouble after Donald Trump warned that an “armada” was on its way to the Korean Peninsula. Han Song Ryol said: "Trump is always making provocations with his aggressive words. It's not the DPRK but the US and Trump that makes trouble." Pyongyang has said that it will launch a nuclear weapons test when it sees fit, with satellite imagery showing that North Korea’s test site is “primed and ready”. Mr Trump is reportedly considering a number of military options to deal with the growing threat of Kim Jong-un’s rogue nuclear programme.
On Tuesday April 11, White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer made it clear President Donald Trump has put Pyongyang “on notice”. “I think he has been very clear that he will not tolerate some of this action by North Korea,” he said.
So why does Kim Jong-un hate the US?
The unhealthy relationship between Washington and Pyongyang stems all the way back to the 1950s and the Korean War. After Korea was liberated from Japanese rule following the end of the Second World War, a US military government took control of what would become South Korea, while Soviet forces oversaw the North. North and South Korea were proclaimed as separate and independent countries in 1948, but two years later Pyongyang sent 75,000 troops into the South, sparking the Korean War. The US led a United Nations effort to support South Korea in the battle, which ended with an armistice in July 1953. Post-war, North Korea became a hermit state built on communist Juche ideology – isolated from the world and its enemies.
Official North Korea state propaganda teaches its citizens of an everlasting struggle against the US. Kim Jong-il, the country’s first leader, said: “The American imperialists and Japanese militarism are the sworn enemies of the North Korean people.” Je Son Lee, North Korean defector and writer for NK News, lifted the lid on some the official state propaganda in xxxx. “The North Korean regime claims that US soldiers tore off the limbs of innocent Koreans and cut off eyes, noses and lips and hung them on the trees,” he wrote 
“But I don’t trust such rumours spread by the regime. Old people in my hometown used to tell us a different story. 

“They said American soldiers adored Korean children and showered them with chocolate and gum. “ Another defector, Jinhyok Park, revealed how “brainwashing” the state ideology is.

“I had been brainwashed by the regime since I was born that the government takes care of everything for me and only thing I have to do is to obey,” he said.

“After much consideration, finally I decided to leave my homeland in search of a new life because I believed there would be no hope, no future and no life in North Korea.”

Today life in North Korea continues to be dictated by the propaganda machine founded by Kim Il-sung – grandfather of Kim Jong-un. On Saturday April 15, Pyongyang celebrated the 105th anniversary of Kim Il-sung’s birthday – a holiday known as the Day of the Sun. The national celebration was a chance for the regime to display its military prowess to further promote the image of a strong and formidable nation.

Behind purposes of the Politic


Based on fact politic in the world. The politician can do anything what they want to kill or falling somebody, if they are in minus politics condition.

The definition of political purposes may capture individuals or groups who do not regard their activities as being for political purposes. A number of individuals/groups have commented on this fact. In some cases these comments were provided directly to the Standards Commission, while in other cases the comments were reported in the media. Some of the views expressed were as follows:

Irish Council for Civil Liberties

The following comments were contained in a submission prepared by Human Rights Consultants for the Irish Council for Civil Liberties (a copy of the submission was provided to the Standards Commission by the ICCL):
  • Potentially any individual or group which accepts donations could be captured by the definition of a third party.
  • The definition of "political purposes" and, in particular, section (i)(IV) of that definition could capture the advocacy and campaigning work of many non-governmental organisations (NGOs) based in Ireland.
  • The provisions of the 1997 Act are capable of placing very extensive restrictions upon the extent to which donors may legitimately fund Irish non-governmental organisations which campaign to change Government policy.
  • One practical result of the relative lack of legislative clarity in this area is that a number of Irish non-governmental organisations have managed to reach an uneasy modus vivendi with the Standards Commission, under which they have asserted that they do not receive donations for "political purposes", and the Standards Commission has accepted this at face value.
  • A strict interpretation of the provisions by the Standards Commission might stifle the advocacy and campaigning work of NGOs.
  • In American, Canadian and British legislation the restrictions on third parties are much more tightly circumscribed than is the case under Irish legislation and apply only to third parties which involve themselves in electoral activities during the period which precedes an electoral event. Such an approach would seem to provide a pragmatic model for the reform of the current Irish law.

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